Who are yallarun?!

Our Mission

YALLARUN is a not for profit organization with the main aim of spreading the running culture across the middle east

YALLARUN mission is to encourage and connect all local running clubs across the middle east to exchange experience and grow


How did YALLARUN start?

Jeddah Running Community (JRC) was founded in 2013 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as the first mixed gender street running club in the country. After that Riyadh Urban Runners (RUR) was founded in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Then YALLARUN was founded to connect between the different clubs as act as a mediator between all runners in the MENA and all over the world. 

Main values

Who are yallarun?

YALLARUN works to spread the running culture around the Arab world. and includes several running club. 

YALLARUN clubs extend within all the Arabian gulf including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Egypt. 

In addition to that all members of YALLARUN clubs comes from different cultures and nationalities.

YALLARUN welcomes all nationalities and cultures with no discriminations as long as the members shares the same main values of the group.

YALLARUN clubs helps everyone who wants to learn about the running sport as a beginners or to elevate there game as pros.

Benefits of running with YALLARUN

Running with others is one of the most effective strategies to create a habit and keep it. Actually the social benefits of running is one of the important reasons runners starts running and keep doing it. 

Weather you are running with one friend or in a running group. here are some ways that a runner benefits from running in a group.

You will have role models 

People naturally inherit habit from whom are around them. Spending time with other runners will help you create running habits.

You will encourage each other

Running with a group you will get an imbedded cheering squad. Members will always cheer each other on the rout and support each other during the long runs. you will be more motivated to committed your training because you are being supported. It’s hard to skip a training when you know that others are waiting for you. 

You will get a sense of target

Mentoring other runners or being a part of a bonded club will give you a sense of target and help you create new connections and with a meaning. 

You will get a creative motivation

It’s possible to brainstorm ideas while running with group and ask them for a advice.

Your performance will improve

Everyone blooms in a healthy competition. When you work with others who push you to run faster and harder, it’s easy to move to the next level. When you run alone you tend to break the training, but peer pressure will push to to finish what you started. 

You can connect

Work and coworkers are consider a good way to build professional connections. while running you will build close friends that can’t be duplicated in office or anywhere. 

building connections or improving it during running could lead to a new job or a new opportunity. I know many runners who found new job opportunities or created important connections while running. 

Running with other are more safe

It’s not common that stalkers or harasses will encounter a group of runners. Also it’s harder to get lost while running with friends. Even if you lost them they will look for you. And if someone was harmed or had a medical emergency the others will help him instantly. 

You can beat boredom

Although sometimes I love to run alone. but as a group you run faster and it’s hard to feel bored. Also it’s probable that you will find a new route with the group which will make your runs more exciting. 

You will get a sense of the community

Weather you are racing together or volunteering in a race or cheering your friends in the team, it’s fun and rewarding to keep a connection with others with a same mindset and be a part from something bigger. 

Runners can connect with each other and be supportive while running and other life periods. Runners feel certain feelings and find a joke in situations that will not be funny for non runners.  this connections makes runners feel that they are part of a unique community. 

You will widen your social circle

Running in a group is a great chance to meet people with similar interests. many has meet there partners or close friends through running groups.